Posted tagged ‘magazine cover’

April 29, 2010

Back at the full-time job, the cover of the latest issue of The Absolute Sound, which is the first one I’ve been really happy with in …well a couple of issues. Really ready to try something completely different with TAS though, give it a bit of a refresh. Couple of previous covers after the jump. (more…)

October Custom Publishing Facebook page

October 30, 2009

I’m building a Facebook Fan Page for October Custom Publishing (my company), in order to try and get us out there a little more. On there you’ll be able to view almost every page of every magazine we’ve either published or been hired to create thus far. I’d really appreciate you becoming a fan, and I’m happy to return the favor! Take a look at the page here. Introduce yourself!

Austin City Limits Music Festival Program

October 17, 2008

Not much to say about this… I laid out the interior pages following the notes of the agency who do all the ACL collateral and other stuff. I like the size, and was surprised at how much was able to fit into such a small space. It’s a perfect size for something you might have to lug around with you for 2 or 3 days. I didn’t do the cover, they supplied that. Anyway, it is what it is. Mainly including it just to show the size, which is a little unusual.

Some covers this month… interesting color choices

February 22, 2008

Seems to be some very particular color choices going on this month, take a look at these. Interesting to see that the cheesy gradient blend from one color to another is being used more prominently in high-end monthlies as well as weeklies.
motortrend.jpg dwell.jpg id.jpg wmagazinemarch2008.jpg tas.jpg blender.jpg lucky.jpg

Why a blog about magazines?

November 30, 2007

Have you been to the magazine section in Barnes & Noble recently? Or Borders? Or even the gas station down the street where they still ask for my i.d. even though I’m obviously in my thirties at least? Magazines are everywhere. It’s ridiculous. If I was an alien race plotting a silent invasion of our planet, I wouldn’t choose to be a transforming car, or bury myself underground thousands of years in the past until Tom Cruise happens to be there when I awake from my slumber. No, I’d disguise myself and my minions as magazines of all shapes and sizes, watching and waiting as unsuspecting humans everywhere paid for me, took me home to read my alien propaganda and left me in every room in the house. Then, assuming my paper cohorts and I had planned in advance how to do something more threatening than just stun you with multiple exclamation marks, we’d make our move and eliminate the human race. So this hasn’t really answered my own question. Why a blog about magazines? Because I don’t believe that enough credit is given to the significance of a reader’s choice of magazine, and I’d like to explore the reasons behind those choices, from dedicated, enthusiast-mag readers to random purchases in the gas station at 2:13am. What keeps readers reading? What defines a successful magazine beyond advertising sales? Is there always a market for more titles or are there already too many? And above all else, how many are there that are actually worth giving your valuable time and money to?